At long last, we managed to get to a reenactment where it wasn't raining. I've been feeling a little low, missing out on reenactments while all my blog buddies have been jaunting about, enjoying their season. This weekend we went to McKinney, TX (sort of my old stomping grounds, as I grew up in the metroplex) to the "Battle For Myer's Landing". It had rained previously, so it was a little boggy in places, but we found a place to set up housekeeping near a little tributary (if you can call it that) that was mostly dry.
Didn't get many photos, unfortunately, except ones of Victoria, who has proven to be notoriously addictive, if I may say so myself. Mainly, though, I was too busy trying to get things together around our "house" while handling a babe-in-arms to take any photos outside my sphere. We did manage to watch all of minutes of the battle, though. It was nice, but the organizers wildly over-estimated the participant and spectator numbers, plus they laid down tons of rules for reenactors that really weren't realistic. How can you set up camp when they won't let you drive on the grass? And how can you break down and exit the park when there's only one 1-lane exit for all the participants??
It was a little crazy. Most of us, though, had to break the rules out of necessity. We simply couldn't haul several hundred pounds worth of gear 50 yards to where our "street" was. Especially not with a baby. And especially not over hilly, rocky and boggy terrain, which is what it was. Sigh.
But we still had a good time! Got to see my dear friends Kerri and Paul, and their little munchkins, Sarah and little Andrew. Sarah turned 6 on Saturday. Happy birthday kiddo! It was fun to sit under our fly with our babies on a quilt and just chit-chat. Everyone who walked by were just tickled with our little ones.
Anyway, it was Victoria's first reenactment. She seemed to take well to it -- thank the Good Lord! We had her in the little dress Sarah Jane made, but despite the cold nights and cool mornings, the afternoon got really warm and we had to strip her down. Apparently I didn't get any photos of her in it. What a shame -- she was adorable! That little bonnet is from Sarah, though. Here are some photos, though I'm sure you're sick to death of seeing baby pictures by now. I can't help it. I'm in love.
{mama and child}
{proud papa}
Tell me she isn't the spitting image of her papa...???
{kicking back on Saturday afternoon}
{little andrew munching on his bonnet strings - 7 mos}
This baby is so pretty! Long dark eyelashes and blue eyes. A total flirt!
{eating new rattle Pop made her}
{daddy teaching her about horses}
Didn't get many photos, unfortunately, except ones of Victoria, who has proven to be notoriously addictive, if I may say so myself. Mainly, though, I was too busy trying to get things together around our "house" while handling a babe-in-arms to take any photos outside my sphere. We did manage to watch all of minutes of the battle, though. It was nice, but the organizers wildly over-estimated the participant and spectator numbers, plus they laid down tons of rules for reenactors that really weren't realistic. How can you set up camp when they won't let you drive on the grass? And how can you break down and exit the park when there's only one 1-lane exit for all the participants??
It was a little crazy. Most of us, though, had to break the rules out of necessity. We simply couldn't haul several hundred pounds worth of gear 50 yards to where our "street" was. Especially not with a baby. And especially not over hilly, rocky and boggy terrain, which is what it was. Sigh.
But we still had a good time! Got to see my dear friends Kerri and Paul, and their little munchkins, Sarah and little Andrew. Sarah turned 6 on Saturday. Happy birthday kiddo! It was fun to sit under our fly with our babies on a quilt and just chit-chat. Everyone who walked by were just tickled with our little ones.
Anyway, it was Victoria's first reenactment. She seemed to take well to it -- thank the Good Lord! We had her in the little dress Sarah Jane made, but despite the cold nights and cool mornings, the afternoon got really warm and we had to strip her down. Apparently I didn't get any photos of her in it. What a shame -- she was adorable! That little bonnet is from Sarah, though. Here are some photos, though I'm sure you're sick to death of seeing baby pictures by now. I can't help it. I'm in love.

Tell me she isn't the spitting image of her papa...???

This baby is so pretty! Long dark eyelashes and blue eyes. A total flirt!

Your little one is adorable! You're going to have such fun with her as she continues to grow and developes her personality.
All smiles,
Great pictures of a beautiful family!
We never got to experience our children at reenactments as babies - our youngest was 3 when we began (she'll be 9 next month).
I'm glad you're back out in the field!
I love to see children in (correct) period clothing at reenactments and living history events! Makes it all feel a bit more real to me, and it's so very, very cute!
Glad you had fun!
Seeing your pictures makes me homesick for reenacting, I just started to really get "into" it this year and now it's over until spring! I'm glad you had a good time. The babes are adorable!
Adorable, adorable, adorable! McKinney? Wow, that brings back memories. I used to live there! What a charming and picturesque little town, and not one movie theater there. Not too much to do from what I remember. But I loved walking the tree lined streets and looking at all the Victorian houses. I really loved it there.
Super cute! I don't get tired of pictures of her!
Robins--well, McKinney is now a little more built up. The old downtown, however is still full of the old Victorians. But now it's getting trafficky and modernized. ::sigh::
I didn't realize how much I hated traffic until I moved to a small town.
So adorable. You all look lovely.
She is adorable! Oh I love seeing all of you in period dress! Its a rarity to see mom's with babies at reenactments all dressed up here in VA. Glad to see a family in period dress with a baby!
She is too cute as are all of you! I'm glad you finally made it out to a reenactment with her. So much fun!
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